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9/19 - Board Meeting

Winter Park Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Meeting


Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 8:00 AM

Tranquil Terrace
845 W Swoope Ave
Winter Park, FL 32789

  1. Call to Order
  2. Public Comment
  3. Consent Items - There are no Consent Items.
  4. Action Items
    • Resolution 09192023 - A
      • Charge-Off of Uncollectible Debt October 1, 2021, Through March 31, 2023, in the Amount of $192,205.00
    • Resolution 09192023 - B
      • A Resolution Authorizing the Appointment of Records Custodian(S) Consistent With Chapter 119 Florida Statutes.
    • Resolution 09192023 - C
      • Public Entity Resolution for Valley Bank
    • Discussion and/or Direction
      • Transition of Banking Services
      • Transition to NDC Effective for 10.1.2023
      • Forensic Investigation Update
      • Tuscany Balcony Project
  5. Reports-ROSS Report, Property Overview, Financials
  6. Commissioner's Report
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment

Public comment announcement: We are glad you have joined us for today's meeting. If you are not on the agenda and wish to speak, please fill out an appearance request form. When you are recognized, state your name and address for the record before you speak to the board. The board is pleased to hear your relevant comments; however, you must keep your comments to (3) three minutes or less. Groups are asked to name one spokesperson.

Upcoming conferences are uploaded in the Board Portal for viewing at your leisure.

  • NAHRO's 2023 National Conference and Exhibition
  • October 6th-8th
  • Hyatt Regency New Orleans
  • New Orleans, LA

  • PHADA 2024 Commissioners' Conference
  • Scheduled for January 7th-10th.
  • Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, CA