CFLHC July 15, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Central Florida Leased Housing Corporation Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 15th, 2024
12:30 PM
Tranquil Terrace Community Center
845 W. Swoope Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789
Commissioners Present: President Jacobs, Commissioner George, Commissioner Klettner, Commissioner Jacobs, and Commissioner Bugia, Commissioner Lewis
Commissioner Virtual: Commissioner Goodwin
Commissioner Absent: Commissioner Clark
WPHA Staff: WPHA Interim Executive Director, Tarena Grant and Attorney, Sherry Sutphen.
NDC Staff Present: Rick Elwood, James Allon, Regional Manager, Cindy Wilson.
NDC Staff Virtual: Dianna Sadler and Karen Kreutzer
- Call to Order: President Jacobs called the meeting to order at 12:33 p.m., there being a quorum present.
- Public Comment: There was none.
- Consent Items
- Approval of Minutes from July 2023: The first order of business was the approval of the July 11th, 2023, minutes. A motion was made by Commissioner George and seconded by Commissioner Klettner to approve the minutes. The motion to accept the minutes as published was approved unanimously.
- Approval of Minutes from July 2023: The first order of business was the approval of the July 11th, 2023, minutes. A motion was made by Commissioner George and seconded by Commissioner Klettner to approve the minutes. The motion to accept the minutes as published was approved unanimously.
- Actionable Items:
- Review of Finances
Interim Executive Director shared a handout of the checking and savings account ending balances and activity for Central Florida Lease Housing at Wells Fargo Bank. She gave a brief explanation of the activity within the account. - Election of Officers for the 2023-2024 Year
Commissioner George motioned to re-elect Karen Jacobs as President of Central Florida Leased Housing Corp. Commissioner Lewis provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
President Jacobs motioned to elect commissioner Klettner as Vice-President of Central Florida Leased Housing Corp. Commissioner George provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously. - Discussion on Articles of Incorporation and/or By-laws
Attorney Sutphen gave a brief explanation of the Articles of Incorporation and who are listed as officers. She explained the secretary and treasurer do not need to be members of the board. These positions had not previously been named. Vice President Klettner made a motion to elect Melissa Martinez, Director of Finance as Treasurer of Central Florida Leased Housing Corp. and to elect Tarena Grant, Interim Executive Director as Secretary for Central Florda Leased Housing Corp. President Jacobs seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
There was a motion to add a clause for the appointment of officers for Secretary and Treasurer to be such person listed or other person who holds the position of Interim/Executive Director and Director of Finance should the current elected officials change titles or positions. Commissioner Klettner provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
The re-elected and newly elected officials are as follows:
President: Commissioner Karen Jacobs
Vice President: Commissioner Robert Klettner
Secretary: Tarena Grant, Interim Executive Director
Treasurer: Melissa Martinez, Director of Finance
- Review of Finances
- Adjournment:
There being no further business to come before the Board. President Jacobs motioned to adjourn, and Vice-President Klettner provided a second. President Jacobs called adjournment at 12:38 P.M. The motion was withdrawn at 12:40 P.M to discuss banking options. Commissioner George motioned to look at other banking institutions for Central Florida Leased Housing Corp. President Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
President Jacobs moved to adjourn at 12: 45 P.M. and Vice President Klettner provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
Karen Jacobs, President
Tarena Grant, Interim Executive Director