July 15, 2024 WPHA Meeting Minutes
Winter Park Housing Authority Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 15, 2024
12:00 PM
Tranquil Terrace Community Center
845 W. Swoope Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789
Commissioners Present: Board Chair; Hal George, Commissioner Bob Klettner, Commissioner Karen Jacobs, Commissioner Courtney Bugia, and Commissioner Nancy Lewis
Commissioner's Virtual: Vice-Chair Kenneth Goodwin
Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Elaine Clark
WPHA Staff Present: Tarena Grant, Interim Executive Director and Sherry Sutphen, Attorney.
NDC Staff Present: James Allen, NDC, Rick Elwood, NDC, Cindy Wilson, NDC - Regional Manager.
NDC Staff Virtual: Dianna Sadler and Karen Kruetzer
- Call to Order
Chair George called the meeting to order at 12:03 P.M. and announced a quorum. He motioned to change the agenda to move Action Item B to after NDC Reports and add to discussion, WPHA Employee discussion and Structure under new employee. Commissioner Jacobs provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously. - Public Comment - There were none
- Consent Items
- Approval of Minutes - June 11, 2024
Chair George asked if there were any questions regarding the minutes from June 11, 2024. Seeing none, Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Bugia provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously. - Approval of Minutes - July 8, 2024
Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Bugia provided a second. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Approval of Minutes - June 11, 2024
- Action Items
- Approval of Resolutions - There were no resolutions to approve.
- Approval of Resolutions - There were no resolutions to approve.
- Executive Director Discussion and/or Direction
- Property Updates
Interim Executive Director Grant shared Banking updates. All accounts have been opened at Seacoast as a part of the terms for the Tuscany refinance. There will be a total of 4 signers, two for WPHA and two for NDC.
She went on the share that due to a Meadows resident visiting a City Commission meeting, we are now having conversations about how they can assist the Meadows and other properties with their community garden projects. A resident of the Plymouth also submitted The Plymouth to receive landscaping beautification by the City of Winter Park. Mrs. Grant went on to update the board on the Plymouth door replacement. There was a brief discussion on the logistics of how the doors operate at The Plymouth.
Commissioner Lewis briefly discussed the improvement needs at The Meadows. NDC confirmed that they are working on receiving quotes to begin some of these capital need projects at the property.
Interim Executive Director Grant confirmed the Tuscany refinance closed as of June 24, 2024. There were no further updates.
- Property Updates
- WPHA Reports
- ROSS Report
- Mrs. Grant explained that we continued with our reoccurring property events. In addition to those services, we held various community events for Plymouth, The Meadows and Tranquil Terrace. Community partners hosted free produce, laundry services and bingo events to connect with our residents.
Mrs. Grant connects with a prospective new community partner to discuss the opportunity to offer onsite podiatry, wound care and medical support for senior residents at The Plymouth and Tranquil Terrace.
Lastly, she gave special thanks to our WPHA Community Partners for helping collect and provide back to school supplies for the school-aged children within our communities. Our goal is to supply 100 children with back-to-school supplies for the new school year. WPHA has a back-to-school event planned on July 27, 2024.
- Mrs. Grant explained that we continued with our reoccurring property events. In addition to those services, we held various community events for Plymouth, The Meadows and Tranquil Terrace. Community partners hosted free produce, laundry services and bingo events to connect with our residents.
- ROSS Report
- NDC Reports
- Property Overview
Mr. Allen explained that all properties are at about 95% occupancy with the exception of Tuscany at Aloma. Most vacant units across properties are 80% units. They are still working to figure out the best means to fill these units with concessions. There was a brief discussion on Tuscany at Aloma's vacancies and the use of temporary housing units. Chair George shared his concerns on how temp housing is being handled. - Financials
Mr. Allen explained that their accounting them has been working with WPHA account team to work on kinks in financials. They look to have this corrected for July financials. The financials provided are for May, directly from NDC.
- Property Overview
- Commissioner Reports
There was no commissioner's report. - Temporary Adjournment
Chair George motioned for temporary adjournment, and Commissioner Klettner provided a second. Chair George called temporary adjournment at 12.30 P.M. - Call to Order
Chair George called the meeting back into order at 12:48 P.M. with only the board present for discussion. - Action Items -
- Discussions and/or direction related to the Executive Director position candidates
- Selection of Candidates to Move to the Second Round of Interviews
There was a brief discussion on what each board member thought of the 3 candidates. It was decided that Michael Dineen should move to the second round of interviews.
Discussion ensued related to including moving expenses and it was agreed that this would be a negotiation point, if necessary.
Discussion was had regarding employee positions and new structure of the Housing Authority. Adding a Deputy position was discussed. During the discussion, the ROSS position was discussed as being part of a potential Deputy position. - Determination of Salary Range
Chair George brought the discussion back to whether Mr. Dineen should be invited to view the properties and further discussion was had to provide the following information related to the position:
- Salary $115,000.00
- Vehicle
- Benefits - Determination of Travel Reimbursement Amount
It was discussed that Mr. Dineen would be brought for a tour and the Chairperson (or other designee) will attend the property tour and then Mr. Dineen will be brought in to speak with the entire Board. It was determined that the budget for travel expenses would be set at $500 receipts must be submitted.
Directions were given for Attorney, Sherry Sutphen, to make contact with Mr. Dineen and arrange for a site visit and in person meeting with the Board.
- Selection of Candidates to Move to the Second Round of Interviews
- Discussions and/or direction related to the Executive Director position candidates
- Adjournment
There being no further discussion or business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 1:35 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Hal George, Board Chair
Tarena Grant, Interim Executive Director