Required Legal Forms
What we need from you at your appointment to serve you as efficiently as possible.
Here is a list of documents and other information required for your housing application appointment.
Not all will be applicable, but all that are must be brought to your appointment.
Important Notes:
We do not offer Section 8 housing assistance.
We check the credit reports and police backgrounds of all applicants.
Applicants will only be accepted Online at the Apply Now link above.
Family Records:
- Birth certificate for each family member
- Social Security card for each family member
- Green card
- Divorce decree
- Name, address, and telephone number of child care provider
- One month of receipts from the child care provider
- Adoption/legal custody papers
- Statement of Disability
- Written verification of military service or discharge papers
School/Job Training Programs:
- Written verification of attendance schedule for everyone over 18 years of age
- Award letter showing scholarship's purpose, amount, and dates of awards
- Copy of most recent bank statement
- If you sold a property, bring a copy of bank statements for the past 2 years
- Copy of property assets sold in the past 2 years
- Stocks, bonds, certificate of deposit (CD) bills, mutual funds, etc.
- IRA funds
- Property mortgage document with the current principal due and current interest rate, plus leases if the property is being rented out
- Insurance policy, penalties for surrendering, and rate of interest
Record of Earned Income:
- One month's pay stubs
- Name, address, and telephone number of employee
- Copy of W-2 forms from all employers over the last year [not your tax return]
- Business records if self-employed Record of all other income
- WAGES (AFDC) benefit letter
- Social Security award letter
- Supplemental security income award letter
- Pensions/annuities most recent notice
- Unemployment compensation form 200 or UC 30
- Railroad pension award letter
- Worker's compensation form DOL 203
- Child support printout from the court house (including the case number and the absent parent's social security number)
- Alimony court order
- Income from assets (most recent bank statement)
- Dividends/interest on investments
- Educational scholarships, stipends, grants
- Regular gifts/payments made to or on behalf of the household bills/expenses
- Written verification of all other income with the name of the source
Medical Out-of-Pocket Expenses (Elderly and/or Disabled Only):
- Proof of health insurance payments
- Receipts for medical bills that are not reimbursed
- Pharmacy printout for prescriptions paid out-of-pocket and not reimbursed (one year's records)